Donald Trump has shut down USAID, the US Agency for International Development. For decades, it officially organised foreign civilian aid on behalf of the US government. There was certainly no lack of good intentions at the beginning of the agency’s creation, even though humanitarian and development aid was also intended to support US foreign policy objectives.
But this is not unusual, and all countries, especially superpowers, do so. State aid throws have not been altruistic. However, what has emerged with USAID is a monster that has profiled the world Through the structures of the CIA and in collaboration with Soros’ network of so-called non-profits, the agency has organised coups and imposed a perverse gender ideology, minority rule over the majority, mafia-style green and energy policies that destroy local self-sufficiency of all kinds, organised war conflicts, organised massive migration that breaks down national cohesion and destroys indigenous cultures.
It then gambled away fortunes to globalist structures. USAID became a mere legend, as they say in the jargon of the secret services, especially for the activities of the CIA. The agency was founded by one of the last authentic American presidents, John F. Kennedy in 1961. It is therefore emblematic that Robert Francis Kennedy junior today admits that USAID has toppled as many as 83 governments and that it has therefore carried out hostile activities against the populations of the countries it assisted under the guise of aid.
However, what is most maddening about the whole thing is that USAID began to behave in a completely autonomous manner, not properly controlled by politicians with a proper mandate. And that is the Deep State government. A key part of which is the intelligence services, which have become so emancipated over the last decade that they set their own goals and are subject only to the rule of moneyed oligarchs.
If Trump manages to dismantle at least this organized crime structure and force the services to obey and submit to elected politicians, it will be a big step. I don’t think the individual actors will improve significantly, but the world might at least become a little bit more transparent again. Political power must not be held by the secret service and its sponsors.
Political power must be held by politicians who are visible and who are also controlled. And that is something we have become accustomed to in Europe. Let’s go home. The dismantling of USAID as it stands is an opportunity for us too. The very knout of political non-profits that have received money from an American agency to carry out unauthorized activities for a foreign power reveals which Trump has lived.
Unauthorized activity for a foreign power, after all, is the name of the new section of the criminal code that the BIS director extorted through Mayor Martin Exner. If today people are finding out from the US president that USAID is serving the CIA radium, then law enforcement should act.
Especially in the case of a man in distress. It has been a rant by politicians since the 1990s that it is merely an American agency that not only pushes much of the aforementioned USAID agenda, but under bombastic legends helps organise colour revolutions in other countries. However, that the judicial machinery would want to take the new paragraph seriously in this sense is unlikely for the time being, since our officials have loyally gone to CIA headquarters itself for instructions.
Even the Security Information Services (BIS) director himself, Michal Koudelka, who publicly boasts of having received an award for his exemplary cooperation with the CIA, would eventually have to be arrested. On the other hand, an audit of the US Agency for International Development is underway and the first findings are already devastating. It will get to anyone, just don’t push it. The media and other non-profits.
And it will also come down on the aforementioned and more to come. The world is changing fast and the change is taking unexpected forms for some. Donald Trump is trying to slow the fall of the US. Thank God. And since we are used to constantly copying and echoing from abroad, we should take the example this time for a start that only one flag is to be flown at American offices, the American flag, so no other.
And in our country, only our flag should fly. And we should also take it as an example that we will end the privileging of abnormality by not using public budgets to support any crackpots and that we will give our children back a normal mommy and a normal daddy. And that we won’t destroy the economy with anti-human policies of green minions, and that we’ll also eventually start to unravel the network of nobodies who got us into unprecedented decline.
Dearly beloved, let us love each other, let us not fear our enemies, and let us not care about quantity. I look forward to seeing you again for the continuation of the What They Keep Silent About series.
Stanislav Novotný – Chairman of the Association of Independent Media
If Trump manages to dismantle at least this organized crime structure and force the services to obey and submit to elected politicians, it will be a big step. I don’t think the individual actors will improve significantly, but the world might at least become a little more transparent again. Political power must not be held by the secret service and its sponsors.
Political power must be held by politicians who are visible and who are also controlled. And that is what we have become accustomed to in Europe. Let’s go home. The dismantling of USAID as it stands is an opportunity for us too. The very knout of political non-profits that have received money from an American agency to carry out unauthorized activities for a foreign power reveals which Trump has lived.
Unauthorized activity for a foreign power, after all, is the name of the new section of the criminal code that the BIS director extorted through Mayor Martin Exner. If today people are finding out from the US president that USAID is serving the CIA radium, then law enforcement should act.
Especially in the case of a man in distress. It has been a rant by politicians since the 1990s that it is merely an American agency that not only pushes much of the aforementioned USAID agenda, but under bombastic legends helps organise colour revolutions in other countries. However, that the judicial machinery would want to take the new paragraph seriously in this sense is unlikely for the time being, because our officials have loyally gone to CIA headquarters itself for instructions.
Even the BIS director himself, Michal Koudelka, who publicly boasts of having received an award for his exemplary cooperation with the CIA, would eventually have to be arrested. On the other hand, an audit of the US Agency for International Development is underway and the first findings are already devastating. It will get to anyone, just don’t push it. The media and other non-profits.
And it will also come down on the aforementioned and more to come. The world is changing fast and the change is taking unexpected forms for some. Donald Trump is trying to slow the fall of the US. Thank God. And since we are used to constantly copying and echoing from abroad, we should take the example this time for a start that only one flag is to be flown at American offices, the American flag, so no other.
And in our country, only our flag should fly. And we should also take it as an example that we will end the privileging of abnormality by not using public budgets to support any crackpots and that we will give our children back a normal mommy and a normal daddy. And that we won’t destroy the economy with anti-human policies of green minions, and that we will also eventually start to unravel the network of nobodies who got us into unprecedented decline.
Dearly beloved, let us love each other, let us not fear our enemies, and let us not care about quantity. I look forward to seeing you again for the continuation of the series What They Keep Silent About.
Stanislav Novotný– Chairman of the Association of Independent Media